2nd Grade
St. Linus Catholic School is blessed to have an amazing staff of highly qualified individuals. Each grade is taught with the skill that can only come from experience and the love of the job. Teaching and working with students is more than a profession for the St. Linus Catholic School staff, it is a vocation.
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Things Parents Can Do At Home To Help Your Children Prepare for Second Grade
Read to your children and allow them to read to you.
Ask your children about school and take an interest in what they are learning.
Help them make good nutritional choices and get adequate rest to fuel growing minds and bodies.
Set limits on the amount of television they watch, hand-held electronics they play, and exposure to any flat-screen viewing.
Highlights of Second Grade
Class Field Trip
Mass ‘Buddies’ with an 7th grade student
Classroom holiday celebrations
Writing workshop
Hands-on Math activities, supplemented with multiple technology based programs
Hands-on Science activities
Differentiated instruction, including role play
Introduction to cursive writing
Whole group, small group, and individual instruction
Core Curriculum & Activities
Catholic Religion
Language Arts
Social Studies
Computer Class, emphasizing practical use of Microsoft Word
Physical Education
Faith-Based Activities
Weekly Mass
Mass ‘Buddies’ with an 7th grade student
Seasonal Devotions
Family Mass
Sacramental Prep
Extracurricular Activities
Winter Intramural Basketball & Cheer
Summer T-Ball / Coach Pitch
Chess Club
Engineering Club
Coding Club
Young Rembrants
Homework is viewed as an opportunity to reinforce newly-mastered skills and more fully absorb knowledge presented during the school day.
Students can anticipate an average of 10-15 minutes of work per evening per grade level.
If there is an evening of “no homework”, we suggest home reinforcement of basic skills, such as reading and math.
Guidelines for each grade level and ideas for reinforcement opportunities are communicated at the beginning of the school year.
Parents tell us that they appreciate the quick response and many ways we stay in touch as we partner in your child’s growth.
We welcome your phone call, e-mail, or notes about daily happenings or specific concerns.
“The Window” carries the weekly school newsletter, flyers for special events and information about school, parish, and community activities.
has the handbook, upcoming meetings and events, contact information, and useful links.
Additional informational resources are provided regularly.
Opportunities for Family Involvement
Assist with daily lunch periods
Assist in classroom activities
Attend & participate in a Field Trip
Provide review and enrichment activities for skills learned throughout the school day at home
And many, many more!